Monday 28 November 2016


Assalamualaikum and good day dear all viewers.

        Finally, I manage to complete my blog even though I have never had a blog before this. The method that brought by Encik Azmi Bin Ibrahim, using a blog to compile our assignments as one is the best method I have experience. It makes our learning environment more interesting.

       As a future teacher, it is important for us to conquer all fields of knowledge so that the teaching process will be flexible and easy. As time past, technologies become more wider and to educate  future generation we have to follow their environment. So, it is obvious that all the knowledge that we learned eventually will be use in future.

      Lastly, I would like to thank to my lecturer for introducing me with all these techniques and knowledge. I enjoyed all the task and assignments given to us as the content for course SBI 3013 ( Information and Communication Technology in Biology ).

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